Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's More Fun if You Play With it.

Houston, 1978

If we were on a date right now, the conversation would eventually go something like this:

You: So what kind of music do you like?
Janine: There are two questions I hate in this world. One of them is "What nationality are you" and the other is the one you just asked. I could couldn't possibly answer that.
You: Okay then, give me an example of your favorite artists.

Here, you gain about five points for rewording a stupid question into something more viable and we then build upon your reattempt, with the end result being a descent conversation about music. You've been to five Killers shows, I'm not a fan, but whatever, it could still work. Then things get tricky.

Janine: I really must say, I have a thing for Parliament-Funkadelic.
You: I don't know who that is.

Now the date is over. It's not you, it's me...I have a problem with you not knowing who Parliament-Funkadelic is. They are one of the most influential bands of the funk period and I kind of need you to know that. The whole existence of Hip Hop has been built around their catalog, so funk me for dismissing you.

Choosing a performance by P-Funk ended up being harder than I thought. The problem is, they were (and still are) total performers. Music was not just about the music, it was about the presentation. You needed costumes, masks, props, and make up. For P-Funk though, this wasn't a gimmick; it was in addition to there down right kick ass music. I imagine in 1978 your $20 for a ticket was worth every penny.

I chose "Flash light" because it makes me dance. It doesn't matter where I am when I hear it, I dance. I can be in your car, in the aisle of Whole Foods, in the library...I don't care, I'm gettin funky. This performance in particular is soooo funky, I can barely watch it, let alone stand it. Seeing it tears me between awe, inspiration, and jealousy (I really would appreciate an occasion to dress like that). You can not possibly go out and see a performance like this today. Where has all the funk gone?

In order to highlight how great Funkadelic is, you now have the option of taking this blog one step further. If you ask my Mom about P-Funk, you will get the same response every time: "Maggot Brain is a trip" (this means it played one night in '75 while she dropped acid and she's never forgotten the experience). Maggot Brain, the song, is not only "a trip" but it's one of THE BEST guitar songs of all time. It's not so much's beauty. So I propose that if you haven't heard it, you obtain it and listen to it one night this week right before bed. It sounds best in the dark, when you're alone. You don't have to tell me about it when you do it either; it's more important that you just do it. It may change your life.


Rasmus G said...

Thank you for *Maggot Brain*. I did not know that pearl!

I've been using a lot of frustrating time these last days to convince somebody to go see Jens Lekman with me, but alas no luck! - Looks like I'll be spending happy times alone at the concert.. Story of my life! - So sad! - Probably wont go..

I can agree with you on Stooges and Dirt.. But "best song" changes every other second because it surely has something to with mood. Which leads me to another point - Why no questions about Nationality? - and please! no hippie bullshit - I love telling about my Gypsy and Norwegian roots mixed together with my danish.. I try to explain my immense drunkenness and proneness to thieving through my mixed nationality.

VJ said...


I considered writing a paper about what you said and all the things it leads to, and also where it comes from. However, I got smart and decided to sum it all up in that one word you read up there.

I have a pizza from Dello's waiting, so I have to go consume it now.

Janine said...

Mmm...Dello's pizza. Imagine Italians asking you with strongly accented Swedish, "Do you even know what Mortadella is?"

They hate me for taking the meat off me pizza.

VJ said...

I think that deep down, they hate you for not being Italian. I feel the resentment too.

It's part of the charm I guess!

Bryan said...

Seriously. I totally agree. When did music hit that obvious divide where bands thought they were either too cool for school or any attempt at being creatively/outwardly fun came off as teenier-bopper bull shit? There is a gray area I tell you. An area where people could dress up, use props, be a little insane without resorting to Les Savy Fav-like creepy shock value I guess that’s the kind band that fills the gray area now.

Anyway, I gotta go back to hitting on my coworkers now, fully aware that when I ask THEM what kind of music they like, they will inevitably reply with the universal answer “oh I like all types of music.” Which is the worst response to the aforementioned worst question. I ALSO usually follow up with “what are your favorite bands?” Which is inevitably answered with the most contradictory response when considering the answer to the first question and usually ends up being answered, “oh you know, I like everything from Tool to Sheryl Crow, to Rage Against the Machine” or something stupid like that. Just once I want someone to answer, “I like everything from Arcade Fire to Chuck Berry, to Joy Division,” or something like that. That would kick ass.

Dave said...

Not sure if you are looking for additional performances to review but I have to throw in the name Les Savy Fav--these guys are a great live show. Next to the Arcade Fire they are the best act I have seen. The lead singer is legendarily hyper and weird, usually ends up in tighty whiteies, sweaty and fat on stage or in the crowd: linkage :
live performance

pfork related:

Janine said...

Are you kidding me? That sounds amazing. I´m all for singers getting partially naked. Maybe that explains my fondness for Iggy Pop?

Bryan said...

I already mentioned Les Savy Fav. Geeezz. Oh and Ghostland Observatory is another good crazy performance band.

Rasmus G said...

There is only one true naked performer..

Frank Zappa..

one to rule them all.

Iggy Pop gets pity points for being alive.